
Art. 1 – Participation.
The event is open to all 11meters operators. Priore registration is not required, even if desirable, in order to allow a better management of the developed software.
ALFA TANGO and GOLF INDIA RADIO groups operators are registered by default.

Art. 2 – Duration.
Every year on third full weekend in July . It starts at 00:00 UTC on Saturday and end on 23:59 UTC on Sunday (48 hours).
In 2024, July, 20th and 21th

Art. 3 – Band, bandplan and contest call.
a) Activity must take place on 11 meter band, on SSB and in digital mode ( only for the special Overlay Digital Category).
b) The section of the band between .500 and .600 included (called DX part) cannot be used for contest exchange. Contacts potentially made in the DX part of the band will be deleted from submitted logs and penalties will be applied to the offenders. We strongly recommend to use the lower section of the band (from .400 to .495) along with the higher part (from .605 to .850).
c) Each participant must use his own call followed by the name of the event ... for example, a GIR group operator will use: "CQ CQ 1GIRxxx ELEVEN WORLD WIDE CONTEST… QRZ".
d) Participants are encouraged to comply with current legislation regarding the use of their equipment and the allocated band.

Art. 4 – Entry Categories.
Three categories are allowed:
• Single Operator (SOP).
• HQ Stations : single or multi-operator Club, whose callsign is composed by the country prefix, followed by the group call plus the suffix /HQ (HeadQuarter); for example 1AT/HQ, 14GIR/HQ etc.
• HQ Distributed Stations (NEW 2024): multi-operator Clubs. The operators are located in different QTH, but in the same DXCC. ONLY ONE SIGNAL is allowed at a time . THE LOG MUST BE UNIQUE. See FAQ for instructions on how to use the log.
Each Group may authorize the participation of the HQ station within the limit of ONE HQ station per DXCC country (HQ or HQ DISTRIBUTED)
Prior registration is compulsory, also if you are a member of ALFA TANGO and GIR DX Groups.
Each station will have to declare whether it is HQ or HQ Distributed.
It is strictly forbidden to operate as operator of a HQ station and also as SOP, and it leads to disqualification.

Art. 5 - Territoriality.
a) Contacts made from land-based mobile stations are allowed, as long as not in motion, and operated within the boundaries of the declared country.
b) It is allowed to transmit from a Country other than that of residence and prior request to the Contest Committee is not required. In this case the station callsign will consist of the prefix of the transmitting country followed by the callsign of the participating station; e.g. 161/1ATxxx. Logs must be compiled accordingly.
c) Club stations (HQ) must operate from the country of residence.
d) Participants in both categories are due to operate from a single country for the entire duration of the contest.

Art. 6 - Scoring.
a) Contacts between stations count two (2) points.
b) Contacts with Club stations (HQ) count five (5) points.
c) 30 Bonus points granted when at least one valid contact per continent is established (Africa - Asia - North America - South America - Europe - Oceania). Please note Antarctica is excluded.
d) Multipliers: a multiplier of one (1) for each worked DXCC country, regardless of the number of contacts made with that country.
e) The final score is the result of the total QSO points (plus the bonus), multiplied by the country multipliers. Example: 100 QSO points + Bonus * (20 countries) = 2600 (final score)

Art. 7 – Exchange and Validity of contacts.
a) Exchange: QSO number, starting with 001. Contact is considered valid if the submitted log contains the following data: callsign of the contacted station, QSO number transmitted and the QSO number received.
b) The validity of the contact will be verified by the developed software. In this regard, all participants are kindly invited to submit their logs, even if containing few contacts, to allow Contest Committee in making more accurate checks. Contacts shall be bilateral and verifiable: contacts made between participants are verified by cross-checking the submitted logs. Contacts established with stations that have not submitted their logs will also be considered valid, as long as they appear in AT LEAST 5 of the logs received; anyhow in such event only one (1) QSO point will be assigned.
Contacts with stations that have not submitted their logs and do not comply with the mentioned criterion will not be considered valid: in such event no penalty will be committed for the other station, except the deletion of the score linked to such contacts.
However, logs containing significant amount of unverifiable contacts, may result, at the incontestable discretion of the Contest Committee, in disqualification of the participant.
Participants may request to be excluded from the final rankings. The participant will not have a score and the entry submitted will be used to assist with log checking.

Logs must be sent no later than July 30 th, 2024.

Art. 8 - Logs.
a) Only logs created by ATLOGGER platform and submitted to the Contest Committee are accepted, according to the software instructions.
b) Paper logs will NOT be accepted.
c) It is mandatory to use the progressive QSO number which must comply with the exact chronological order of the contacts. Each station must transmit to the contacted station the progressive QSO number (starting from one) and receive, in return, its progressive QSO number.

Art. 9 - Limitations.
a) It is not allowed to contact the same station more than one time.
b) It is reaffirmed that the Club stations (HQ) are limited to one per Country. Example 1AT/HQ – 14AT/HQ…. etc.
c) It is strictly forbidden to take part in the contest as a "Club" station and as a "single operator" at the same time. Failure to comply with this rule will result in exclusion from both rankings.
d) It is not allowed to start the Contest with a progressive QSO number other than 1 (one).
e) It is strictly forbidden, for any type of station, to operate with more than one transmitter at the same time.
f) Self-spotting is prohibited on any means of communication, such as clusters, chats etc.
g) It is forbidden to exchange progressive QSO numbers in any other way, except via radio during the contest sessions.
h) Operators living in the same house and participating with different stations are not allowed to exchange QSO numbers, unless they prove to transmit from different locations for the entire duration of the contest.
i) Failure to comply with all theese points will result in exclusion from the rankings.
l) It is forbidden to use remote stations, both remote receivers and transmitters outside of the station location are not permitted.

Art. 10 - Awards.
a) SINGLE OPERATOR: Trophy or Plaque from 1 st to 3rd place.
b) CLUB STATIONS: Plaque or Diploma from 1st to 5th place.
c) The Awards Ceremony will take place in 2024, date and place to be announced later.
d) Prizes not collected in person or through another operator attending the Awards Ceremony may be requested to the Contest Committee and will be sent upon payment by the applicant of mail expenses.
e) An electronic certificate of participation will be made available after publication of the rankings and will be sent by the Contest Committee uponrequest of the applicant.
f) The number of winners with Plaques or certificates may increase and/or change, according the unquestionable decision of the Contest Committee.

Art. 11 - Final notes.
a) The authentic interpretation of this regulation is entrusted solely to the Contest Committee.
b) Clarifications and explanations pertaining to CQ ELEVEN WORLD WIDE CONTEST rules may be requested to the Contest Committee. Write to
c) By submitting a Contest log, an entrant unconditionally and irrevocably agrees that he has read and understood the rules of the contest and agrees to be bound by them; he agreed the log entry may be made open to the public; he has operated according to all rules and regulations and accepted that the issuing of disqualifications and other decisions of the Committee are official and final.