Eleven World Wide Contest - CQ11WW UBN Report Station 1AT272 Gianni Email: it9bun@gmail.com Dear Contester, Thank you for entering the Eleven World Wide Contest and for sending in your LOG. We are costantly refining our log checking methods, so we are able to provide you with a complete error checking report. Please be aware that year after year we will try to be more accurate, objective and fair as possible. Your Your His His ERRORE TYPE p.TX p.RX CALL SIGN UTC p.TX p.RX ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CallSign mismatch or not in log 18 32 1SA200 2020-07-18 08:06:49 Progressive number mismatch 19 15 327CR56 2020-07-18 08:07:11 23 134 CallSign mismatch or not in log 38 8 1AT659 2020-07-18 08:21:45 Progressive number mismatch 45 26 1AT1224 2020-07-18 08:24:55 26 46 Progressive number mismatch 50 36 1GIR29 2020-07-18 08:33:10 35 50 CallSign mismatch or not in log 53 4 1OD119 2020-07-18 08:35:22 CallSign mismatch or not in log 57 40 1AT16 2020-07-18 08:41:53 Progressive number mismatch 81 4 14AT124 2020-07-18 09:11:25 4 84 CallSign mismatch or not in log 112 25 14ZY27 2020-07-18 10:15:49 CallSign mismatch or not in log 119 1 35TM2 2020-07-18 10:27:51 CallSign mismatch or not in log 123 2 13DX2 2020-07-18 10:39:39 CallSign mismatch or not in log 129 7 233GDX979 2020-07-18 11:19:48 Progressive number mismatch 131 11 1SA141 2020-07-18 11:23:30 11 121 Progressive number mismatch 143 7 14AT705 2020-07-18 12:54:05 7 148 CallSign mismatch or not in log 160 86 108AT277 2020-07-18 15:08:31 CallSign mismatch or not in log 162 2 14AT246 2020-07-18 15:22:36 Progressive number mismatch 186 164 1AT698 2020-07-19 07:55:31 134 185 CallSign mismatch or not in log 188 22 233CI73 2020-07-19 12:26:12 Progressive number mismatch 195 20 1SA422 2020-07-19 14:07:20 13 195 CallSign mismatch or not in log 197 3 14IAA491 2020-07-19 14:10:12 CallSign mismatch or not in log 204 2 14AT75 2020-11-07 10:55:12 CallSign mismatch or not in log 206 4 14FRS2468 2020-11-07 11:09:11 CallSign mismatch or not in log 207 3 14SA11 2020-11-07 11:12:55 CallSign mismatch or not in log 210 1 13LR215 2020-11-07 11:53:37 CallSign mismatch or not in log 214 5 13AT217 2020-11-07 12:22:20 CallSign mismatch or not in log 215 22 14AT138 2020-11-07 13:17:27 Progressive number mismatch 218 24 14AT318 2020-11-07 13:29:37 22 215 Progressive number mismatch 223 32 351AT46 2020-11-07 14:19:30 10 203 CallSign mismatch or not in log 235 1 173PAT115 2020-11-08 09:24:32 CallSign mismatch or not in log 236 1 3PAT32 2020-11-08 13:07:22 CallSign mismatch or not in log 237 1 3PAT428 2020-11-08 13:14:49 CallSign mismatch or not in log 241 2 4AT104 2020-11-08 16:13:41 We hope you appreciate this report. If you have any comments or suggestions, please write to: info@cq11ww.org Please excuse us if, due to the international nature of this contest, this report is only available in English. We hope to see you again in the next Eleven World Wide Contest. The CQ11WW Committee